Monday, January 3, 2011

Ok, it's been AWHILE.

Alright, not sure if anyone reads this but I'm not doing it for anyone else. I NEED to start keeping up with this so that I can eventually print this off for the girls. I think with the fact that I'm not doing school anymore and that I blog already about fitness I will be able to keep this going. I think I might just keep the window up all day and than I can add to it when someone does something cute or awesome! So hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more of me lately!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Week and Mother's Day!

Forgive the backwards order of the pictures! Colleen was trying to cheer Brighit up while she was eating, and Colleen took this picture of Brighit.
We've all been since in one form or another for the past 4 days, and here is Colleen trying to help make Brighit feel better. Both girls have a small case of the croup and Brighit isn't tolerating it as well as Colleen. Those are Colleen's new giraffe jammies she got a couple of days ago.
This is the after shot of the next picture. The girls were feeling really lousy, and this is the afternoon of the 6th...
and this is the morning of the 6th..Big difference!
Here are some awesome pictures of the girls at the park. You can totally see Brighit smiling as she swings, and yes Colleen did pick out her outfit that day!

Too cute!

We are also doing The Ryan's PKU Walk in a couple of weeks. This is close to our heart as Brighit has PKU and any precious dollars that can be raised can help with research so that she might have a more varied diet in the future. If you would like to help and donate, just contact me and I'll let you know how to do it!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pretty Little Ladies

Brighit keeps amazing us with all that she is doing for an almost 14 month old! Colleen didn't have much interaction with kids at this age so all she had to copy was me, but Brighit has Colleen to copy and that is letting Brighit do things that Colleen didn't do at this age. Brighit climbs all over, actually plays with Colleen and us, and is picking up a ton of words! 75% of the time if you had Brighit something and say "here ya go Brighit" she will say "thank you"! We couldn't believe what we heard at first either, but she has said it multiple times so it must be so. There are a lot of times that she does that and we can't believe what we have just heard! She is oh so close to walking and we can't wait until she does! She is a hefty little girl and I will be glad when I don't have to carry her everywhere all the time.

Colleen is doing a great job going potty. This past week it seemed like there were less opportunities for her to use the potty here at home. I thought we were home more but the chart shows her using the potty less, but she didn't use her potty pants that often. I guess it was cooler and so she wasn't drinking as much. With the warmer weather that's coming hopefully we can change that. She does hold it when we go to the store, not even using her potty pant then, but waiting till we get home...AMAZING!

Colleen is

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lazy Sundays

It's hard to tell from this picture but that is Colleen's potty chart on the cabinet and it's full of little magnets for each time she uses the potty! That's all of last week and we have started over for this week and hopefully I'll have an equally full chart for next week!
Colleen had fallen asleep on the couch and had just woken up when I took this pic. She usually doesn't take a nap in the middle of the day anymore, but I helped her take one by rubbing her back. Colleen also put her sandals on by herself for the first time today!

We did get to the park this afternoon, and played for a bit before it was time to come home.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fun stuff!!

Brighit has never been a snuggly baby, which was the total opposite of Colleen. Even while in the hospital right after she was born she didn't want to sleep with me in the bed, she slept better in the bassinet next to the hospital bed. This picture is something we thought we would NEVER see, and it totally made Dan's day! They both slept for about 30 mins, which is a record for her.

Last weekend the National Parks had free admission. We had been on the Blue Ridge Parkway, but never Skyline Drive, so this was the perfect opportunity! Unfortunately it was quite chilly and cold, so there are only a couple of pictures, but it was fun to just drive and see what's out there. Brighit slept for most of the drive, which was good since she doesn't understand what's going on anyway!

Brighit is getting quite interested in doing what Colleen does, even though she isn't quite walking yet. This morning Brighit was trying to play basketball like Colleen but the hoop was too high, so we lowered it and she was "shotting hoops" like her big sister! I tried to attach the video, but it didn't want to work!

Not much else going on. Hopefully the sun will be out tomorrow and I will take some pictures o the plants that I am growing. We've got broccoli, red lettuce, peppers, chives,tomato's, strawberries and summer squash. They are all alive and growing so that makes me hopeful that they will produce something over the summer!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Ok, so I know it's been awhile, but I am going to try this blog thing again and keep up with it so that way I can document more of the things that the girls are doing. Colleen is now 3 and Brighit is 1! Colleen is doing a great job of using the potty, riding her bike, and being a great big sister! Brighit is ALMOST ready to start walking. She cruises around everywhere! She has 3.5 teeth, and we are doing the best we can with her diet, considering her growing personality and lack of teeth. Hopefully I will be adding more later on!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

New pics!

Colleen throwing rocks into the South River
Colleen being a robot. Dan drew most of the buttons and such, Colleen added some of the squiggles.
Sorry for the delay in pictures, things have gotten busy. Here are just some highlights and if you want to see more pics just let us know!Brighit swung for the first time in a big girl swing today at the park

Colleen asleep all sassy style!
Girls being silly!
Brighit's cute hair!

Brighit has her 6 month (can't believe it!) appt on Sept 8th, so I will have new figures then on how big she is, and she is DEFINITELY big!